6 Reasons Why Hiring a Wellness Copywriter Can Boost Your Business NOW

Laura Williams Agency Wellness Copywriter woman typing

If you’re in the business of wellness products or services, you need an online presence. END.OF.STORY. If you do already have an online presence, you need to have great copy on your website and in your blogs. 

If you plan on selling your wellness services or products in the post-pandemic world, then you need to strengthen your online presence and copy to help keep your business going, in these trying times.

Unfortunately, the pandemic shattered brand loyalty. The statistics speak for themselves:

  • 75% of customers tried new shopping behaviors. They cited value & convenience.

  • 39% of them ditched trusted brands for new ones. This was very popular with the Gen Z population. 

  • The younger customers claimed they are still trying to find businesses & brands that reflect their own values. 

Given the trends, it has never been more important that your wellness business or practice offers FREE and easy-to-understand educational content, along with strong copy for inbound & outbound marketing efforts. 

But here’s the kicker…writing copy, and I mean really GOOD copy, takes time. 

Time that I’m sure you don’t have. It honestly begins to feel like a chore in addition to all your other business responsibilities & tasks. With your customers paying more attention than ever before, you don’t want to DIY. You can end up with content full of run-on sentences strung together with improper punctuation. That isn’t going to cut it!

To get QUALITY copy posted on your website, in emails, and your social on a regular basis, you NEED to hire a copywriter…like yesterday!

Here are 6 specific reasons why hiring a wellness copywriter would be the best thing you’ll ever do for your business.


REASON 1: You’ll have more time to do, whatever it is YOU want to do.

Seriously, who is going to argue with this one? What a wondrous thing it is to have time to do the things you want to do & enjoy…and the energy to do them. Whether it’s in your personal or business life. When you outsource a task, like writing, that really isn’t your cup of tea, it makes a HUGE positive impact in your business. 

You don’t like writing? Then, DON’T DO IT. I said what I said. Professional copywriters LOVE writing. Once they are aware of your voice & customers, they can write for you quickly. Even though you turn the writing over to a wellness copywriter, it’s still your business. You get the final say in what is published to your website. So no need to fret about that!


REASON 2: A Wellness copywriter is a persuasive writer.

If you have content on your website that just isn’t working for you, that’s not good at all, but copywriters aren’t content writers. 

Content writers purpose it to deliver long form writing that is meant to be informative & entertaining. Copywriters on the other hand, write persuasive copy to encourage your customers or clients to do a certain action. In most cases, this action is to buy your product or service, share your business on social media to expand those you can reach. 

You don’t want to forget that customers these days are smart & smell when you’re selling something to them, from miles away. If your ad is full of sales-y language, they’re going to click away or scroll right past your link. 

The benefit of hiring a professional wellness copywriter is that your ad and website copy will be persuasive, but not in a way that is pushy. Wellness copywriters can help convert blog and email readers into loyal, paying customers. They grab your customers attention and keep them engaged all the way through your sales funnel. 


REASON 3: No moor gramatical erors or speling mistaks.

Ah, see what I did there? See how the spelling mistakes I made on purpose made you cringe? That’s exactly what a potential customer is going to do if they see the same..and probably run to your competition. 

Customers want to know they can trust you. If you have errors like this on your website they will immediately discredit you as a person they can trust. They expect you to have an eye for detail because it shows that you care for your product or service. 

In studies, it has been proven that business can lose up to 9 out of 10 customers to their websites if spelling & grammatical errors are present. 

In a study of 5,000 site visits, carried out by Website Planet, a bounce rate of 85% was reported when compared to a typo-free landing page. The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors that leave your site after only looking at one page…EKK. Imagine 85% of your customers leaving because of typos. 

The easiest way to prevent this from happening to your business is by hiring a wellness copywriter. 


REASON 4: Hiring a wellness copywriter means you get the newest & freshest content on a regular basis.

Keeping things fresh in all parts of life is always a good idea, but what about in your business? Yes, that needs to be fresh too! Why? There is more than 6 million blog posts made everyday across 1.9 BILLION global websites. There 694 Instragram posts made every stinkin’ second. That’s a LOT of content!

If you want to keep your customers engaged & view you as a leader in what you do, it’s vital that you have new content on a regular basis. 

It’s also extremely important that your website has new content posted across it’s pages. If you duplicate any content, even if you change a few words around, can hurt your ranking on Google. Not to mention, it’s a turn-off to your customers or clients. 

By hiring a wellness copywriter, you will never have to resort to this.


REASON 5: Wellness copywriters are aware of all the Google & Facebook updates.

Google and Facebook can be great tools to use to get more eyes on your business, but they change their policies on the regular. We’re talking almost weekly. 

All these changes can make it really difficult to navigate as a small or medium-sized business. When you hire a wellness copywriter, know that they always have their ears and eyes open to any and all updates to Google and Facebook. This means you get content that will follow the rules and has up-to-date SEO. 


REASON 6: Wellness copywriters help you get customers and organic traffic.

Paying for ads to get traffic to your website can be a waste of your hard earned money. What you really want are huge swarms of organic traffic…aka they find you without paid ads. The way this is achieved when you have SEO copy throughout your website and blogs. This gives you a better chance of ranking on the first two pages of Google, hence the organic traffic to your website. 

When customers find you organically, it is proven that they are more likely to make a purchase & stay for the long haul. Forbes also states that 50% of customers say they continue purchasing from companies that offers knowledge. 25% stay with a company they feel understands them. As for your monetary gains, you could see an increase of 25% to 95% when you are able to retain just 5% more of your customers.

Professional wellness copywriters are experts in SEO and being empathetic. This means your ideal customer will find you faster on Google and connect with your business and brand.

Leave the writing to an expert.

Regardless of your niche being in the wellness industry, you hiring a copywriter could be the key to higher revenue and you having a better work-life balance. Copywriters help you bring in your ideal customers through organic traffic, convert your readers into your customers, & keep existing customers coming back for more.


Do you work for an amazing wellness company or own a practice that focuses on wellness? Did this piece resonate with you? If you screamed, “YES!”, then schedule a FREE 15-minute call with me through the button below. I can’t wait to get started!


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